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Archive for November 2011

Endangered, the Javan rhino Need Special Reserve

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POPULATION Javan Javan rhino or who live in Ujung Kulon National Park area (TNUK) currently endangered condition and very worrying. Although there is no source that could determine the exact number of Java rhino population, but based on the data Ujung Kulon National Park Authority (BTNUK) and the Indonesian Rhino Foundation (YABI) the amount estimated to be less than 60 head.

“The condition identified Javan may currently only 30 individuals, if not move or strategic efforts, then pupulasinya will continue to decrease,” explains Head BTNUK Priambudi Agus told reporters during a visit with the Wildlife Conservation Forum Indonesia (FOKSI) which facilitated YABI in BTNUK office on Saturday (12/11) ago.

In fact, he added, the last in 2010 had found two dead Javan Rhino tails amid the forest. “A tail in the intact condition, and one tail bones live again,” he said. According to him, in accordance with the Strategy and Action Plan for Conservation of Rhinos in Indonesia 2007-2017 which required a second population in the new habitat.

“Making a special asylum or Javan Rhino Study and Conservation Area (JRSCA) is the first step to develop a habitat are saving and the second for Java rhino,” he explained.

In June 2010 the Minister of Forestry, Zulkifli Hasan and Banten Governor Ratu Atut Chosiyah JRSCA to launch the implementation of development cooperation and YABI BTNUK the source of funds from the International Rhino Foundation. “It should all development activities include the manufacture of electrified fences selesa in October this year, but because many people are asking the project be reviewed again, this time the project was finally postponed,” he said also as a Project Coordinator JRSCA.

He said, the Javan Rhino naturally face the risk of genetic and demographic decline; earthquake and tsunami; reduction of wildlife habitat due to pressure of human activity, and effects of climate change. “Although since last 10 years there was virtually no threat of poaching, but the natural risk of extinction in the form of parasitic and bacterial infections that are transmitted through domesticated cattle, and degradation due to forest succession toward the climax, and the invasion Langkap (Arenga obtusifolia), could threaten extinction,” he explained.

Until recently, the existence of Java rhinoceros was highly concentrated in Ujung Kulon Peninsula region. Although in 2000 it was reported that the Javan cruising can be up to block Erjeruk. According to the results of calculations based on the Java rhino population calculations showed only traces of at most 3 tail Javan who have home ranges of up to Mount Honje.

“The data shows that in 1990 there is a tail Javan, in 2001 there were three tail Javan and in 2007, not found in the Java rhinoceros Honje Mountain region. New in 2011 was rediscovered by 2 tails that go into the southern part of Mount Honje, “he explained.

In Okober, the team found signs of rhino presence of dirt, puddles and the footprint size of 25-26 cm and 24-25 cm are found around rivers and water sources Bangkonol aermokla. The trail was found not far along the river by walking transects following the path that is in the area JRSCA.Sedangkan jejajak bull found in the region nearly felled Langkap sample plot.

“Estimates of the population based on the criteria of quality water, puddles, feed and disorder and the findings in the field estimate the footprint small home range of about 8 tails rhinos are scattered in the area of ​​coral bed, seseupan, cilintang, kalejetan, aermokla, Ranca gebang, Kalajetan leutik and Bangkonol,” he said.

Assistant Operations Manager Dodi JRSCA Sumardi said the main factor that results in limited habitat used by the Javanese rhinoceros in TNUK is human activity. In the region of Mount Honje there are levels of human disturbance on high Javanese rhinoceros.

This is evidenced by the increasing encroachment encroachment where in 1990 only covering approximately 400 ha while in 2008 there were 3436.112 ha, dominated by rice fields and gardens, a small portion is used for housing (24.191 ha).

“Even the encroachment has entered the core zone according to zoning in 1997, before the review of zoning in 2011. This is evidenced by the 51 people in the area aermokla tenants who have voluntarily left the area garapannya in 2010, “he said.

Other human activities are disturbing the movement of Javan is hunting other animals, making non-timber forest products. According to realize an area of ​​study and conservation of the Javan this area will fence on parts that are not adjacent to the sea. “This type of fence to be built in the form of an electric wire fence that has power but not lethal shock,” he said.

Meanwhile, Coordinator of Field Fence Construction JRSCA Indra K Harwanto explain one of the most important part in the implementation of the program is JRSCA civilengineering activities that include landclearing activities to track patrols, electrified fence construction / electric fence wire (EWF), base camp construction, construction of guardhouse, and bridge construction. “Overall length of the electrified fence is 20 km, with a high pole fence line width of 1.6 meters and 10 meters,” he explained.

He further said that, until now it has established a guardhouse at Cilintang danproses JRSCA land clearing for road patrols had reached 6.2 kmdari Block Kuta Reef Cilintang until around Cikalejetan leutik. “The use of heavy equipment in the process of land clearing bulldozers and eksavator. Implementation of the start date of June 22, 2011 and ending on July 1, 2011 with the issuance of letters pnghentian activities for further study of the Head BTNUK, “he explained.

It also describes the path from Block Kuta Reef to Block Rorah Cilintang Kawung Langkap located as far as 4.2 km jungle zone with zone limits of traditional, land along the path traversed is a former agricultural / wild gardens and rice fields, the average lane width of approximately 12 , 5 feet due to the left and right channels are used to stockpile soil and twigs of 1 to 2.5 meters wide.

“While land clearing paths of Block Rorah Kawung Langkap to Block Cikalejetan leutik as far as 2 km, dominated by secondary forest and entered the jungle zone, the width of lines in that region in an average of 8 feet,” he explained.

The number of stands affected by land clearing which is about 241 trees from 45 species (diameters ranging between 20-60 cm). There are streamlining pathways and accumulation of 3.4 KM road because there are steep cliff path so there are about 30 meters wide along 100 meters.

He thinks this can be a member JRSCA welfare benefits for the surrounding community with the main program for ecotourism. “The concept of ecotourism is the foundation of community development where it is expected multiplier effect can be felt directly, sustainable and synergy with the Javan rhino conservation program. Starting from the interpretation, interpreter, local guide, development cooperation tourist lodging facilities and other facilities, “he explained.

As for tourist resorts in the region namely TNUK Tamanjaya and Cibiuk there are facilities, information center, guest house, dock, hot springs. Then there are also beaches Kalejetan, Coral Beds, Cibandawoh. The phenomenon of the southern ocean waves and sandy beaches thick, observation of flora and fauna.

Peucang Island. White sand beaches, coral reefs, clear blue sea waters which is ideal for swimming events, diving, fishing, snorkeling and ideal place for animal observation in their natural habitat. Coral Copong, Citerjun, Cidaon, Ciujungkulon, Cibunar, Cape screen, and Ciramea. Exploring the woods, scour the river, meadow grazing animals, waterfalls and turtle nesting site.

Handeuleum Island, Cigenter, Cihandeuleum. Observing animals (bull, boar, deer, rhinoceros traces of Java and various species of birds), scour the river in the mangrove forest ecosystem. Panaitan Island, and the Mount of Mercury. Diving, surfing, travel and culture / history.

How to reach the location of Jakarta – Attack (1 1 / 2 hours via toll road), Attack-Pandeglang – Labuan (1 1 / 2 hour) or Jakarta – Cilegon (2 hours via toll road), Cilegon – Labuan (1 hour) or Bogor – Rangkasbitung – Pandeglang – Labuan (4 hours). Labuan – Wells (2 hours), the Well – Peucang Island (1 hour by motor boat fishing) or Labuan – Pulau Peucang (4 hours by motor boat fishing).

According to Agus Priambudi BTNUK Head, the institute offers special interest tours packages to see Javan Rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) from above saung Rangoon. Price packages offered 50 million dollars for 15 days for one person.

“Tourism is our special interest governance together with the surrounding community through the cooperative. The aim is to empower local communities and tourism development in TNUK,” he said.

He said, special interest tour packages are offered to see rhinos certain people who have the financial capability and the people who are interested to see the behavior of Javan. The package trips are limited only four times in one year and are limited only two people in one trip for fear of disturbing presence in TNUK Javan.

“The year 2010 then there was one tourist from Sweden. Opportunities to see Javan about 70 percent,” Agus said Priambudi. “This tour is not opened in August, September and October because in those months is a Java rhino breeding season,” said Agus. (Haryudi)

Written by YudiBageur

November 17, 2011 at 3:15 am

Ditulis dalam Berita, Observ

Kasus Trafficking di Jabar Tertinggi

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BOGOR – Kepala Pusat Kajian Gender dan Anak LPPM IPB Dr. Ir. Titik Sumarti, MS menjelaskan kurangnya kesadaran masyarakat untuk aktif melaporkan gejala tindak pidana perdagangan manusia (Trafficking) membuat jumlahnya di Provinsi Jawa Barat masih tinggi.

Itu terbukti, berdasarkan catatan Komisi Nasional (Komnas) Perlindungan Anak pada tahun ini mencapai 139 korban trafficking. “Itupun yang dilaporkan dan dijemput Kepala Biro Pengembangan Sosial Sekretariat Provinsi Jawa Barat. Bagaimana dengan yang tidak dilaporkan,” jelasnya.

Selain kurangnya kesadaran, juga dikarenakan kemiskinan, pengangguran dan rendahnya indeks pembangunan gender. “Untuk memberantas perdagangan manusia, diperlukan komitmen bersama, khususnya para pengambil kebijakan dalam menangani semakin maraknya perdagangan manusia,” jelasny.

Selain itu pihaknya menyayangkan, masih banyaknya tim Pusat Pelayanan Terpadu Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Anak (P2TP2A) yang dibentuk disetiap daerah, membuat data kasus trafficking rendah, padahal fakta di lapangan, kasus trafficking terus meningkat.

“Seperti di Kabupaten Bogor yang melapor ke P2TP2A Kabupaten Bogor pada 2010 hanya 5 kasus, sedangkan 2011 hanya 3 kasus. Ini dikarenakan rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dan minimnya informasi soal penanganan kasus perdagangan manusia,” jelasnya.

Pihaknya apresiasi, kepada P2TP2A Cianjur yang aktif dalam melakukan sosialisasi dan pendampingan. “Sehingga di daerahnya, cukup banyak masyarakat yang berani melaporkan tindak kejahatan trafficking. Itu terbukti, pada 2009 tercatat sebanyak 93 kasus, kemudian pada 2010 ada 46 kasus, menurun,” jelasnya.

Ketua Bidang Kerjasama P2TP2A Kabupaten Bogor Ratu Nailamuna mengatakan, korban trafficking di daeranya terbanyak dari wilayah Ciawi, Nanggung dan Cijeruk. “Kami mengakui, kurangnya sosialisasi sehingga kasus trafficking di Kabupaten Bogor yang terdata cukup rendah,” jelasnya.

Meski demikian pihaknya mengklaim sudah berhasil melakukan pendampingan terhadap para korban trafficking hingga tingkat pengadilan. “Tak hanya itu kami juga sudah mengantisipasinya salah satunya dengan cara memberikan keterampilan dan modal, agar mereka tidak tergiur oleh iming-iming para sindikat perdagangan manusia,” jelasnya.(haryudi)

Written by YudiBageur

November 17, 2011 at 2:53 am

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Indonesia Kekurangan 36 Juta Mushaf Alquran

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BOGOR – Kebutuhan kita suci alquran di Indonesia ternyata masih cukup tinggi. Pasalnya, hingga saat ini umat muslim di Indonesia masih kekurangan sekitar 36 juta
eksemplar kitab suci alquran.
Hal tersebut diungkapkan Menteri Agama Surya Dharma Ali melalui Kabalitbang dan Diklat Kemenag Prof Abdul Jamil dalam acara Hari Ulang Tahun ke-3 Lembaga Percetakan
Quran (LPQ) Kemenag, Jalan Raya Ciawi, Kabupaten Bogor, kemarin.

“Diusia ketiga ini, saya harap LPQ dapat meningkatkan mutu dan produktifitas, untuk
memenuhi kebutuhan mushaf Alquran bagi umat muslim di Indonesia. Soalnya, dari
total 180 juta jiwa umat muslim di Indonesia belum semuanya memliki mushaf
alquran dan sekitar 36 juta alquran kekurangannya, dengan asumsi satu kepala
keluarga satu mushaf alquran,” jelasnya.

Tak hanya pihaknya berharap, mushaf Alquran yang diproduksi oleh LPQ ini, harganya tidak memberatkan dan harus berani bersaing dengan harga-harga Alquran yang beredar di pasaran. “Dengan harga murah, maka kepemilikan alquran akan terus
meningkat, tentunya ini akan berdampak positif bagi umat muslim di Indonesia.
Diantaranya dapat meminimalisir kekerasan atas nama agama dan deradikalisasi,”

Selain itu, LPQ diharapkan tidak hanya focus pada pencetakan alquran, diharapkan dapat
mencetak buku-buku keagamaan lainnya. “Inovasi dan ekpansi sangat diperlukan
untuk bersaing dengan percetakan swasta, tanpa mengenyampingkan tugas utama LPQ,
sebagai lembaga percetakan Alquran dalam memenuhi kebutuhan umat,” jelasnya.

Sementara itu, Direktur LPQ Samidin Nashir mengatakan di usianya yang masih belia, lembaga yang dipimpinnya memang masih belum sanggup memenuhi kebutuhan alquran untuk umat muslim di Indonesia.  “Idealnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan umat muslim di Indonesia, dalam satu tahun minimal harus bisa mencetak 1 juta eksemplar. Namun dikarenakan kendala mesin finishing, sumber daya manusia, ruang kerja, kita masih belum mampun memenuhi kekurangan alquran,” jelasnya.

Saat ini pihaknya berusaha memenuhi kebutuhan alquran bagi umat muslim di Indonesia, dengan merekrut 150 orang. “Dalam satu tahun kita mencetak alquran kurang dari satu 500 ribu eksemplar. Untuk mencapai kebutuhan tadi kami sedang menjalin kerjasama dengan sejumlah pemerintah daerah, karena kerjasama tersebut memiliki andil cukup besar dalam produktifitas alquran yang kami cetak,”

Written by YudiBageur

November 17, 2011 at 2:50 am

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